Senin, 30 Desember 2019

Game Loop Vs Event Driven

Events can be used to support the main loop and/or do other 'tasks' the main loop does not care about (usually in the update() portion of the loop) but you still need a main loop. a purely event driven system as in the render and update are also event driven is a very poor design for a game engine.. Event driven vs "game loop" 3 years, 6 months ago. yep, everything that @mmozeiko said. the only thing i'll add is the in the typically event-driven model, instead of directly invoking the functions to do the processing within your loop code, there is an indirection path that broadcasts the event through a dispatch mechanism. then functions. Game loop of an event driven engine by chronozphere , november 21, 2010 in general and gameplay programming this topic is 3225 days old which is more than the 365 day threshold we allow for new replies..

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Since the interface is event driven while the game itself is turn based, i have to find a way to make the game server "pause" when it's a human player's turn. the game loop has to be put to sleep somehow when it's a human's turn, then woken back up when the player has given valid input.. Event queue game programming patterns decoupling patterns intent. decouple when a message or event is sent from when it is processed. motivation. unless you live under one of the few rocks that still lack internet access, you’ve probably already heard of an “event queue”.if not, maybe “message queue”, or “event loop”, or “message pump” rings a bell.. For example, if the game is paused you'd probably have conditional statements in the game loop to skip certain things. one of those can be polling input. if you have events you need to take care not to fill your event queue with extraneous inputs while the game is paused, or else clear it on unpause..

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