Sabtu, 04 Januari 2020

Pubg Mobile Quick Scope Switch Missing

Pubg mobile quick scope switch button bug fix - 0.9.0 out now!!! | quick scope not working *fix !!! follow me on:- facebook:- Pubg mobile has been one of the most popular games, and tencent games has tried to make the lives of players are easy with the quick scope switch.. A community for players of pubg mobile in ios and android to share, ask for help and to have fun. playerunknown's battlegrounds (pubg) is a competitive survival shooter. discussion quick scope switch not working (self.pubgmobile) reset your controls if you want the quick scope to appear..


Cara mengaktifkan quick scope pubg – dalam game pubg mobile peran scope sangat penting untuk membidik lawan supaya sasaran mengenai dengan tepat dari jarak jauh maupun tidak terlalu jauh.. scope banyak macamnya seperti scope 8x, scope 6x, scope 4x, scope 3x, scope 2x, scope red dot, scope dan holosight.. This article will teach you how to enable quick scope switch in pubg mobile. 1. tap on the “settings” icon. 2. select “scope” from the right-hand menu. 3. enable “quick scope switch”. you’re done. have nice games!. Fungsi quick scope switch - terkadang mengganti sebuah scope sangatlah sulit untuk dilakukan, apalagi ketika kalian berada di dalam situasi berbahaya. nah! ada sebuah fitur baru yang bikin pertempuran kalian berasa lebih mudah loh! namanya adalah quick scope switch!. yuk kita cari tahu apa sih kegunaan dari fitur baru quick scope switch di pubg mobile, bersama g cube berikut ini!.

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